OK, this is ART???? Day 6 has come and gone. I'm just now having time to post my practice subjects for you to see. Sorry about the terrible shot of "blue" dog. You can see what is most important - the DOTS on "blue" dog. That is not patterned paper, it is not a background from the other side of the paper bleeding through. That's right... this was done on purpose. Sandy showed us how to use the Copics blender marker for this dastardly deed. Do you ever feel like you can't mark up something in silly ways? Well, this was the "DO YOUR SILLY STUFF DAY". It wasn't called that, but it certainly was creative and fun.
Do you have the compunction to STAY WITHIN THE LINES? Well, if Jennifer can color gleefully outside the lines, then I told myself, I could too!I practiced some shading on "Brownie" and making fur on his buddy "Orange"
Now, I totally loved doing these two darlings. Kelly is responsible for these cuties, well, she didn't color them, but she made it fun and easy to create these dear sweet things. Those are T #s (grays).
Kelly offered up reasons for using cool or warm grays. Use warm grays on live things, animals, etc. and use cool grays on inanimate objects like robots, machinery.
I was totally out of my comfort zone on this one. Of course lines are just there to be colored over. I actually think it doesn't look half bad, well, we'll see how good or bad it looks when I cut it out.
As you can see, DAY 6 was full of ideas and creativity, but then, I don't know a day that wasn't. This really was one of the best classes ever.