I've been having some major computer problems today and am so very late with wishing Paul happy days on her new little one, Lilly.
With Em and Lilly, she'll be running twice as fast and doing everything double-time. But, maybe that old advertising song - double the pleasure, double the fun will apply. I'm really happy for you. Wish we were closer so I could visit.
Paula, so many people say the time will pass so quickly, so enjoy your children now. Yes, it's true, enjoy them, even as you teach them.
I sent some cards to Paula as well as many of her Hero Arts friends on flickr and I'm sure it was such a wonderful surprise for her. I would have loved to be a picture on the wall to see. I sent several cards, but I really like this little cutie. I hope Em liked hers... I think it may take awhile until Lilly can vote on hers:))))) Hugs to Paula.
Hannah will have a bit to say too, so please visit her blog.
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