I seem NOT to have much time lately, but I finally created three separate gift sets. I was lucky enough to be picked on Dawn's Pay it Forward day on her blog. Yes, it's taken me a bit of time, but finally the day has come. But I think I was also given the Pay it Forward from another person too and I'm frightfully sorry, but I did not have the time to pay it forward the first time(and I've forgotten who sent it to me). So this is a two-for-one. Whoever my other wonderful pay it forward person was, please let me know and I'll include you in this "thank you for awarding me the honor" of paying it forward.
If you are interested in playing leave a comment on this post, I’ll draw 3 names from the comments and you can then play “Pay it forward” on your blog. If you want to play along and don’t have a blog, that’s perfectly fine. I know my lovely crafty friends will pay it forward in some way even if not via a blog.
The winning commenters can do their own "Pay it forward" on their blog. I will send the goodies sometime within two weeks of picking the 3 winners. At that time, you will have to give me your home addresses.
Here are the cards and tags I've created for you. I hope you like them. So let anyone interested in playing the game, to come and leave me a comment. I will draw the winners in a week. I'll post the winners here and on the Hero Arts flickr group too.
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